Out of the box: Lindemann Limetree Network

Lindemann Limetree Network unboxing

Lindemann’s story begins in Germany 25 years ago. At that time CDs and cassettes were common, but the world has moved on and the company is now one of the most convinced proponents of streaming. Their line-up includes the flagship Musicbook series and the Limetree series. The latter is the more affordable option and is mainly aimed at desktops or at already-existing systems. The Lindemann Limetree Network is a perfect example of this concept: it is a network player with a headphone amplifier that sits really well on any desk.

The device comes in a rather nice box, with a stylised lime tree drawn on it. Inside the box are a manual, a flier for the NativeDSD online music shop, a flat Ethernet cable and a set of four transparent rubber feet. There’s also an antenna which allows the Limetree Network to have WiFi and Bluetooth. The packaging is rather simple and down-to-earth, almost utilitarian. Even the padding is reduced, though the whole box was protected by abundant bubble wrap in the package I received.

The device itself looks simple, yet elegant. It’s really small, so it can fit on any desk. It seems to be well-built, but I expect nothing less from a device that’s made in Germany! The power adapter has a very short cable: it’s about 1 m, which is actually too short for my desk. I will have to use an extension cord. That’s the only thing that I can complain about, really!

A review is coming soon, so stay tuned!

About Riccardo Robecchi

Living in Glasgow, Scotland but born and raised near Milan, Italy, I got the passion for music listening as a legacy from my father and my grandfather. I have reported on technology for major Italian publications since 2011.

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