Audio reviews

Yinyoo 6-core cable review

Yinyoo 6-core copper cable review

Cables usually use a number of cores determined by powers of two – two, four, eight, sixteen are…

Jul 5, 20185 min read
Head 'n' HiFi Objective2 review

Head ‘n’ HiFi Objective2 review: objectively good

The Objective2 is maybe Internet’s most famous headphone amplifier. The brainchild of Nwavguy, it is now a few…

Jun 18, 20188 min read
KZ ZS10 review

KZ ZS10 review: off balance

KZ’s intricate product line-up just got a bit more intricate with the introduction of what could be considered…

Jun 13, 201811 min read
RevoNext QT2 review

RevoNext QT2 review: the better copy

The budget audio market is sometimes surprising in that there are unknown companies popping up with interesting products…

Jun 7, 201810 min read
IMR Acoustics R1 review

IMR Acoustics R1 review: sound craftsmanship

The IMR Acoustics R1 are the current flagship (and only product) of this newcomer from UK which aims to…

Jun 5, 201815 min read
iFi micro iDSD Black Label review

iFi micro iDSD Black Label review: black power

iFi’s flagship DAC and headphone amplifier, the iFi micro iDSD Black Label, is the full-blown version of the…

May 28, 201811 min read
MEMT T5 review

MEMT T5 review: a decently-sounding EarPod clone

The Apple EarPods sparked a slew of copies: their shape is halfway between a classic earbud and an…

May 19, 20189 min read
Hidizs AP200 review

Hidizs AP200 review: a DAP in beta

Hidizs introduced the AP200 last year, using a crowdfunding campaign to make it public and to raise the…

May 13, 201815 min read
Venture Electronics Monk Lite review

Venture Electronics Monk Lite review: slimmer and fitter

Venture Electronics gained international fame with its Monk line of earbuds: their $5 price combined with good sound…

May 8, 201812 min read
Soundphile Review

Soundphile Review: sound reviews of sound equipment. A blog about headphones, earphones and audio devices by Riccardo Robecchi. Made between Italy and Scotland with love, passion and the help of an English dictionary

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