Headphones in Pictures: KZ ZS10 Pro

KZ ZS10 Pro Headphones in Pictures

KZ has recently revisited their line-up and added the “Pro” moniker to a few of their in-ear headphones. Those include the ZST Pro and the KZ ZSN Pro. The KZ ZS10 Pro is the highest-tiered of those products. It is a new version that improves on the old, non-Pro one not only from a design perspective, but also in terms of tuning.

The KZ ZS10 Pro use the same driver design as the previous model: they use one dynamic driver, which takes care of low frequencies, and two sets of two balanced armatures (four in total) for mids and highs. There are two 50060 armatures for mids and two 30095 drivers for highs. In total there are 5 drivers per channel, or 10 drivers for both channels. KZ changed the drivers and the new one is able to reach past 40 kHz, so it should be able to be more linear in the higher frequency range.

In terms of design, on the other hand, the ZS10 Pro uses the same shell and faceplate as the KZ ZSN. The similarity is so striking there is virtually no way to tell them apart, unless one reads the name on the shell. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as the ZS10 were much less comfortable than the ZSN.

I have yet to test the ZS10 Pro to see if the claims by KZ hold up. Seeing as to how they’ve been busy making their headphones better as of late, I have great expectations out of them (also because the ZS10 were definitely not the best in their line-up).

As usual with my Headphones in Pictures articles, I would like to give you an update on how things go. Hey, the category says “blog”, so I should treat this post consequently, right? I recently started a new job and this, together with a few changes in my job at Hardware Upgrade, brought me basically to only have a few minutes left to spare to review things (and that’s why I haven’t published anything in a while). I will need a brief period of adjustment before I can find a new balance and come back to publish new reviews constantly. I also have a few interesting products in the backlog, including the Fearless Audio S8 Pro and a couple interesting products by 1More (though I can’t say more for now!). Come back to check the blog in a few days because I have a couple reviews of really interesting products that are practically ready to be published!

About Riccardo Robecchi

Living in Glasgow, Scotland but born and raised near Milan, Italy, I got the passion for music listening as a legacy from my father and my grandfather. I have reported on technology for major Italian publications since 2011.


  1. Good morning Riccardo, when do you plan to publish the review of the kz zs10 pro headset?
    I see that reviews of other headphones presented later are coming out but the kz sz10 review is waiting …

      1. Hi Riccardo, I’m happy to read that you consider the KZ ZS10 PRO one of the most successful headphones produced by KZ. I’ve been using them for a few days now and I’m absolutely delighted with their performance …
        Thank you very much.

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